Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Point of View on Social Networking

                    Social network as defined in dictionary.com is "a website where one connects with those sharing personal or professional interests, place of origin, education at a particular school, etc." (www.dictionary.com).

                    I chose to talk about social networking because I think most of the people get the idea or they know a lot of social networking and how it works.

                      People get to communicate in social networking sites like facebook, email, etc. For me I think these sites and applications are helpful for ourselves and other people because they have the time to get in touch with other people that you haven't seen for a long time, like your friends in high school.

                       Some networking sites may also be bad because they show bad images like those porn stuff. That is why we should limit ourselves to the social networking sites that we visit. Or at least know the sites you are visiting so that you would not get involved in that matter. Some sites may also contain viruses so we should be really careful in opening sites.

                     So here I conclude that social networking sites could also be dangerous at times that is why we should be very careful. And that almost all the people has a social networking site.

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About Me

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My name is Marie Anne Patricia M. de Jesus. I was born on June 7, 1992. Living in Ayala Alabang with my parents and siblings. Currently enrolled in Enderun Colleges. After finishing college I want to have my own hotel or restaurant. I enjoy playing Badminton and volleyball.